Jan, 11, 2021
Something about Mind!!Today lets talk about the most simple yet most complicated thing in this world i.e. our Mind. Whatever we do or we don’t do completely depends on our Mind. Also how we do when we do it al is decided by our mind. Only question is how to understand what is the role of our mind in all these. Mind for convenience is divided as conscious mind and unconscious mind some also refer to this as subconscious mind. I would prefer calling it unconscious mind. Talking about Linguistics unconscious is that which we don’t know. And conscious mind is which we know. What we feel is all the work is done by conscious mind, but it is otherwise. Major work may that be about thinking about some thing or about taking action firstly it is done by our unconscious mind and then commands are given to carry out desired task to the conscious mind. It is very necessary to understand Mechanism of the human mind. Neuro Linguistic Programming helps you to understand and use our human mind in achieving desired outcomes. How all this works? This question is always there. Understand of how to get access of the unconscious mind is the actual key to successful life. So how to access the unconscious mind? Unconscious mind is the major task force. It is the supplier of energy required to do the task. So ultimately it has all the control over the energy consumption and utilisation. It is like a small child who understands only specific and clear instructions. If not given specific or clear instructions it use it’s information available and perform the task according to its understanding. Normally the problem is that we complicate thing by not keeping it simple. So if we want our mind to perform a particular action or achieve some desired result we need to have a clear and specific understanding about it. Would you like to know more in this area. Feel free to connect for discussion.http://linkedin.com/in/rohit-bagaitkar-28b24a10Facebook page- @Leadoscope Training & Consulting
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