Jan, 11, 2021
Emotional Intelligence or EI is how well individuals manage their own emotions as well as how they react to the emotions of others.EI is one of the most trained topics in soft skills today and emotional quotient (EQ) is now being given more importance than one's intelligent quotient (IQ). But how do we really assess if an individual is emotionally intelligent?Daniel Goleman, the father of EI has described EI as having five basic parts.Self-Awareness: The ability to be aware of what one isfeeling at any given time and the ability to understand how one's moodsaffect others.Self-Regulation: The ability to control how one responds to their ownemotions. One starts to consider possible consequencesbefore acting on impulse.Motivation: The ability to accomplish goals in spite of negative or distracting feelings that could be fostering inside i.e. a motivation, the result which is pure joy or curiosity.Empathy: The ability to read another persons emotions, to try and understand how others feel and to respond appropriately.Social Skills: The ability to manage relationships. These individuals understand what kind of behaviors get a positive responsefrom others. It involves the application of empathy.Emotional Intelligence is far more than just a handy set of "people skills". It helps individuals respond to the world around you while eliminating stress and massive frustration that easily builds up while working with other people.It helps gain respect among teammates, to understand difficult behaviors in the workplace, accomplish desired results from your team members and reduces Companies attrition rate as most people leave their managers and not their jobs.So start understanding your emotions and learn how to influence the emotion of others in a powerful way.Don't possess these skills? No worries, EI is something that can be learnt and it only gets better with practice. Want to know how? Ask me now!
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