Jan, 11, 2021
I read a post from Robin Sharma on his “5 Am Club” page - “Getting 1 hr early is getting 1 hr extra in your day” - How profound it is.We often complain of not having time to fulfil our number one dream. And we all know that eventually all depends on how are we prioritizing our activities and thereby managing our Time effectively.In Project Management, we learn to use various charts that helps in defining specific about (any) task in hand, deadline them and tracking the progress almost on daily basis. Charts plays a role of a visual progress. The popular ones are PERT chart which is like a network diagram, Cause- effect, Control charts and the list goes on. My favourites are Gantt & Pareto – Easy to understand and simple to follow irrespective of our process, product or services.Let me know in comments about the techniques that you follow or have followed in the past, which has helped you achieving amazing results (In the below chart, if we can manage “Usual Work”, which is 40%, effectively – we can experience significant positive shift in our lives) Charu Srivastav#cstrainingsolutions
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