Jan, 11, 2021
Recently my houseboy revealed to me in a casual conversation that he learnt to ride a bicycle when he was barely 8 years old. But what amazed me was that he learnt to ride on his father’s cycle at that age. As they could not afford a smaller cycle, this boy learnt to balance with his feet on the pedals between the bar. It was a question of time before he learnt to hop on a moving cycle and ride astride, a feat which I can’t do even today.Most kids are seen today learning to ride small bicycles with trainer wheels; these wheels are disposed when they learn to balance. Then, they ride a medium sized cycle before they move to a regular adult sized one. This set me thinking that learning certain skills need not necessarily mean we have to make the transition from a simpler or easier phase to the complex one. Just as this boy caught the bull by its horn, if we can unblock our minds and test how well we can adapt (i.e. being comfortable in uncomfortable situations) to the new learning, not only will the lesson be enjoyable but commendable too.
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