Jan, 11, 2021
This is oft quoted phrase in the realms of spirituality. But the more you dig into it, the deeper it goes. The more you try to climb up, the higher its reach becomes!So who am I?I think this question cannot be answered in definitive terms. However it may continue with the following realization;When I start understanding myselfWithout the necessity of words to describe,That’s me!Now how to approach this question?MEDITATION?But what is Meditation?This is where I stumbled upon many times. However I got up quickly wondering what happened? Or is it what didn’t happen?!Meditation is neither an art nor a science or a skill set. It is a “way of life”!Meditation is basically to be in awareness - Awareness of body, sensory perceptions, thoughts and emotions. These are the things which define ‘me’.Meditation is also remembering that we are part of the Nature. Nature of the Nature is abundance and growing. So we will have access to that abundance and natural flare to grow!What makes us to be away from ‘way of life’, away from awareness and forgetting that we are a part of the grand Nature?It’s thoughts that we harbour!During my early tumbling and rumbling days, one day it occurred to me that ‘Doing Meditation’ itself is a myth.(Excerpt from the book MY FIRE WITHIN! authored by me)
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