Jan, 11, 2021
"Allow yourself to be a Beginner. No one starts at the Top"I will not elaborate further on above factors; as every one of us have gone through this in one or the other form.When you are in school, you always dream to come first. But you started it with action, by racing, participating, and taking part. When it comes to life, you don't even start. Get rid of that fear, that inaction, that procrastination, that perfection and just take a leap of faith once. Take that one step. Action is a holy grail of life transformation.
"The Biggest Failure in Life is Not Trying"Second most important reason, why you are not winning, because you are not a FinisherHow do you win the race, if you don't finish? Non-finisher would have left this article by now, and some may not have interest to finish this article. How many of you have stuck to your New Year resolutions. All of us start with new or sometimes same old resolutions every year, but not finish to the end. We all start something in life, a project, a task, an action, a book, a movie - make sure to finish it. If you have not finished what you started, what makes you believe, you would finish the next task. We are lost in priority, reasons, excuses and the result WE QUIT. Make it a point to finish what you started. That gives you a sense of fulfillment.
"Starting strong is good, Finishing strong is Epic" - Robin SharmaThird reason why you are not winning, because you are not a DriverYou are not giving, what it takes. So many thoughts creep in your mind, fear, anxiety, nervousness. Lot of people start doing higher studies, take training, join gym to get back in shape and they always think about it's not going to work. But you make it work. Your business works, because You make it work. Your job works, because You make it work. Your relationship works, because You make it work. Key here is You make it work. You need to have back on wall, no matter how many adversities, circumstances, difficulties come by, but You make it work. We all fall, we all fail but Driver is never discouraged by it and keeps going.
"When your WHY becomes stronger than your WHY NOT, the journey becomes Easier" - Raakesh RanaThese three reasons, that are holding you back or why you are not winning. Look yourself in a mirror, and find why you can't make it. Whatever reasons you are giving, write that down on the wall, and see it daily to remind yourself why you are not winning.Be a Starter, Be a Finisher and Be a Driver. Be a STAR of your own movie.
"LET TODAY BE THE DAY TO START SOMETHING NEW & WIN" - Raakesh RanaSo, what you are going to commit to? What are you going to change in your life today? Nothing gonna change, unless you look in the mirror and say you are going to change.Leave your comments on what you are going to commit to. Be bold to make a public commitment. Save this article and remind yourself every time, what you have committed.
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Be Alive, Be IncredibleLove and Cheers,Raakesh Rana
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