Jan, 11, 2021
We all get attracted towards our comfort zones from time to time, and one of the easiest way to stay there is to spend time with people who are just like us.These people always agree with us and have a similar point of view on various things. But while this may seem to make our lives easier, there is also a negative side to it. Only spending time with people like us prevents us from growing and becoming successful.Warren Buffett was once asked in an interview, “What advice he would give to young people in order to become successful?”. He replied, “Whatever your age or stage of life, it’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction.”The people we choose to be around truly matters for our growth. When we choose to surround ourselves with better and smarter people and learn from their success habits, we absorb their knowledge and become better and smarter ourselves. Do the opposite -- spend time with procrastinators and pessimists -- and over time we will become like them, limiting our success."You are who you surround yourself with. I know that's such a cliché quote, but it's true.” - Selena GomezIt may not always be possible to have ourselves physically surrounded with better and smarter people, so we can have ourselves surrounded by them through their books, videos, phone calls, emails and learn from them.So let’s implement this success mantra - surround ourselves with people way better than us and be successful.@AnkitIttanImage Credit: Google Search and edited by Ankit Ittan
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