Jan, 11, 2021
Customer service happens to be the key strand that affects your sale. They arethe only reason why your business happens to be up and running. As the oldsaying goes, “The customer is always right” holds true for every business. Toserve the customer in a suitable manner should be on top of your priority. Toprovide an excellent customer service, you must always listen to them and beopen for every suggestion. This can exceedingly improve your relations with thecustomer and make your already awesome customer service provider better than before. The cheapest and most effective way to expand and repudiate your business is a state of the art customer service that you can provide with little effort than any otherway would demand.When you listen to your customer, you see your company as a customer point ofview. You get to know those dainty elements that can change the way youoperate your business, which in turn will make your customer service better.Since it is not possible to implement every demand that they put forward, it canget very challenging to tackle the situation by saying no to a customer. To say noto your customer in the most polite way is the real deal, as you have to take careof the emotion of your customer. Saying no beforehand with utter politeness andwithout being harsh is better than the ‘sorry for the inconvenience’ scenario,which obviously merits your reputation in your customer’s mind.To begin with, make your customer feel like you have heard them and taken intoconsideration their every request. Delve deeper into the customer’s request tofind the solution in a way that they haven’t considered. Provide alternativesbefore you straightaway decline their request. Ask your customers what theyactually want when they request for a certain component. Be honest whenexamining their request. To make your customer understand the practicality oftheir request has to be your first task. Cover your no statement with a fewpositive statements to make your customer realize that her request wouldn’t getprocessed. For example, “We duly appreciate your efforts for reaching out to usbut there is currently no way to do that.” Or “We do understand the gravity ofyour problem but will not be unable to provide with the solution just yet.”Sentences like these make the customer feel listened to and not just heard.It is not possible for any organization to process their customer’s every requestso it may become a nightmare if your mindset is to “provide the solution tocustomer’s every problem’, instead have a mindset of “providing the solution tocustomer’s every problem that is practically possible.”It can get quite challenging for organizations to bring out this ‘saying no in themost polite way’ practice in their routine especially when they are new in theindustry. The more time you spend in the industry with customers the more itgives experience. You know the type of customers you are dealing with.Thankfully, to know your customers better, being experienced is not the onlyway. An excellent guidance from an experienced mentor will surely inculcate inyou the experience that you need. Some of the experts in this mentorship includewww.shrutiparmar.com where you can connect for more information on this topic andvarious others that bring out the best of your customer service.
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