Jan, 11, 2021
When I did my first presentation using slides, I was excited! I liked the visual effect it brings to the presentation and not to mention that a picture says a 1000 words!And later I took a session on the fundamentals of house construction without using slides or ppt, as it was not necessary.I was disturbed by the fact that a lot of people in the industry have aversion towards slides or ppt. I heard a senior trainer from a top company say that, 'I don't use ppt' (we only use people)There was a training requirement which clearly mentioned that they did not want trainers who use ppt.I was wondering 'why so much fuss over ppt' just because of a few people who did not know how to use ! Its like saying that you can't use bikes because of road accidents!Let me share my opinion with you! As far as I am concerned a presentation is a medium to express myself to the fullest! A slide is a tool which becomes an extension of me to express myself !Any tool for that matter is useful in bringing your point of view in a manner which is easily absorbed by the elite audience.It makes your job easy and saves time, it also brings about a visual treat to those present.At the same time it is not advisable to completely depend on slides to deliver a presentation. The connect with audience is very very important, and that can happen only when you look into their eyes and interact with them.So, a good presentation is one which has a balance of slides, interaction with audience and activities.More importantly, once you identify a trainer, the choice of tools should be given to him and not limit his choice by saying no to ppt's.
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