Jan, 11, 2021
Oh fear fear above all ,Are you going to take it away from me,That's what is dear to me of all,Why do you choose me,What have I done so evil to deserve it all,Oh Dear I don't possess the power to choose,I show up when you think of me,I exist till you feed me,When you sing and dance,March ahead with a smile on your face,Is when you set me free.Fear is something we all experience , sometimes of success ,at times of failure, at times of a thing or an object, sometimes of certain experiences and so on.Conceptually we all know and have now realised that fear is nothing but a thought, which we believe, accept and give more importance to than required and it starts feeling real! Because fear is nothing but a thought, we all come across it everyday! Depending on how free or busy are we that day,is how much we entertain it! With the right mindset the frequency of the thought can definitely go down but it does visit us all once in a while.Question is why is fear causing so much stress, depression and anxiety to millennial generation than it ever did before?Apart from other obvious reasons like social media, increased standard of living,etc the major reason to it is BURST OF ILLUSION!We have been raised in such protected environment that to feel something different, experience something different, just feels wrong!Everything we do or is part of our life is taken care of by our parents! Our sense of responsibility is totally destroyed. -> Since childhood all our decisions are made by someone else ! -> For every thought, feeling or emotion needs to be validated with a consensus voting !-> For every mistake we are crowned with the blame but never an opportunity to figure out the solution-> 15 years of education but success the only strategy and the only destination thought to us.-> The belief that everyone else will always know better and someone else is the destination!With rising wave of self empowerment and right mindset, there are millions of videos articles available telling us what to do and how to do. It helps us understand but because untill now we never had to figure it out ourselves what we know has not come in our experience. So let's simplify it today! Whatever issue you have in front of you today, take one step towards that to solve it.Don't worry about getting it wrong or going reverse. Just simply take one step towards what makes sense to you!The idea here is not to solve the issue but slowly revive the capability, the awareness we all posses to navigate through life with ease.Just one little step everyday, acknowledge your learnings, acknowledge you!Braver by the day ! At ease everyday !Simply do what's needed !No but please !Small steps to happier you.
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