Jan, 11, 2021
Happy to be ugly!Today I choose to make peace with the ugly in me ,not just the way I look but my habits, point of views, behaviour and certain reactions. I have spent my entire life running away from dark circles, hiding , getting rid of them , cussing my body for not being my dream body.I thought to myself Why am I and so many others I know spending so much time and energy running away from the ugly?What is ugly really? What is black? What is beautiful? What is really right and what is wrong?These definitions fat, thin , ugly, black, white, round , square , flavours , etc were simply made for the purpose of identification! We live in an infinite world with infinite creations, distinctions and labels are given for the purpose of identification, for the purpose of effective communication , for the purpose of establishing a system . Not for the purpose of insulting or Letting down ! So what is it with, we getting offended with being ugly, with us identifying with ugly as bad?Wonderful beings I would like to make you aware that " ugly is bad " is just a concept . It's made by us, it's not real , we have constructed this. .If you look closely aren't we all combination of ugly and beautiful ? Then why embrace the beauty and beat ourselves up for the ugly.Every morsel of food we consume we process it into vitamins , proteins and waste . Proteins and vitamins are consumed by body and manure by earth to again reproduce the different plants.So I refuse to run away any more and spend my energy on hiding the ugly. Yes I have scary dark circles ( yes I could definitely replace the nun from the movie " the nun ". Definitely there are days like that ). I'm not saying that we should stop working on different aspects of us to make them better, but I'm simply saying let's stop making ourselves wrong for the ugly we possess.Let's look at life from the point of view " every choice i make or action I take , I am responsible for the consequence ". As long as you are ready to take responsibility for every choice you make there's nothing wrong with anything in this world. Think from the point of view of what contributes to your life rather than beating ourselves down with unnecessary concepts.I have deleted so many of my memories because my face and my body didn't fit the picture ( simply looked ugly ).Today I ask myself what's wrong with being ugly?I refuse to see myself as different type of beautiful because that would be not seeing the truth and simply degrading everything that I'm gifted with. I'm going to stop degrading this gift of fully capable of body , face & mind by simply assuming ugly is bad.Let's not live a lie , instead think what we can create from what we are gifted. We can find solutions to a problem only when we read the problem right not by assuming it to be something else.#happy to be ugly I'm sure I'll find plenty of people who enjoy horror ( hahaha).
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