Jan, 11, 2021
The art of storytelling predates nearly every other human invention. It’s no surprise either, considering the amazing power that stories have to totally capture our attention and excite our emotions, transporting us into strange and captivating worlds. But stories aren’t just pleasant ways to pass the time or get a thrill; they’re also valuable tools. In fact, storytelling was among the first and best ways to impart valuable information and motivate behaviour. And that’s no less true today than it was during human prehistory.Stories make things memorable, 40 per cent of us are visual learners, 40 per cent are auditory learners and the remaining 20 per cent are kinetic learners. Stories attract all three – a story’s imagery influences visual learners, the vocabulary appeals to auditory learners and the emotions and feelings connect with kinetic learners.A successful story is comprised of only three ingredients – context, action, and the result,the context contains suspense in beginning, builds a connection, and with the flow, it comes to action and surprises, and at last the result comes in the form of conclusion.Stories contain an amazing power of change. And if used properly, it can provide great results with it.The power of storytelling captures loyal customers,.for example-Consider the story of Ray Brook, who was visiting Portland, Oregon for two busy days filled with meetings: Not living in Portland, he needed a car and decided to hire one from National Car Rental. Once he got to the counter he was shocked to discover that his driver’s license had expired a mere few days prior, meaning the company couldn’t legally lend him a vehicle. He was in trouble: how on earth was he going to make it to his meetings?The next day, as he waited on his new license, National Car Rental employees agreed to drive him around – from his meeting to his hotel and then to another meeting. And they even drove him to the DMV to renew his license!Naturally, Brook was astounded by the quality of service they had provided him and so he wrote a letter to the CEO of National, commending their actions.Impressed, the CEO began using this story during speeches to his staff all across America. Brook’s story of staff going the extra mile became the new standard expected of National employees.you could create a “story box” on your website, give customers self-addressed envelopes to encourage them to share their stories or even just scour customer review sites to glean stories about your company.A company's values and culture are best spread through compelling stories, not vague slogans or hollow promises.it keeps, employees motivated and inspired towards companies goals, and it makes them understand companies rules.
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