Jan, 11, 2021
A couples retreat -could mean a lot of things. There are some that might sound a bit like a marriage Bootcamp: a planned romantic vacation dispersed with conflict management, communication workshops, and relationship education, meant to improve your sense of intimacy.A marriage- intensive experience or marriage retreats are pretty much referring to the same experience and are an excellent way of jump-starting the process to recover the love in your relationship.Within a nurturing space, supported by our workshop, you will learn new skills for introducing a present focus experience, improving your communication, deepening understanding, managing conflict, maintaining safety and respect, developing trust, re-introducing intimacy. Through the use of mindfulness-based strategies, it will incorporate experiential activities and practical exercises. You’ll learn essential skills on how to cultivate emotional and physical intimacy as you have uninterrupted time to spend with your partner without the distraction of kids, chores, work, and social media…just time to relax, reconnect with your partner, enhance your overall sense of connection and meaning and restore a sense of balance in your relationship.Your relationship is your biggest asset: Make 2019 the year you invest in it and engage in meaningful experiences with your partner! Best gift for your spouse! Reflect! Re-charge! Re-new! and Re-invigorate!…by attending a couple’s retreat where you will acquire useful and lasting knowledge, tools and skills.
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