Jan, 11, 2021
Everybody requires motivation from time to time to keep going. Money motivates but only to an extent. However, a good & relaxed work environment, a pat on the back, an encouraging email, a small positive note, etc. can do wonders. Motivation is “The Push” that, sometimes we need it; sometimes we have to give it; at times it can be the greatest gift you ever give; it can change one’s life forever.Motivation is a very powerful but complicated subject. What motivates one person may not motivate the second person and what motivates the second person may not motivate the third person. And what motivates you today may not motivate you tomorrow. If we want someone, to do something, the immediate question is “How can we motivate them”?We conventionally feel that motivation comes from the top to the bottom. But it is not always the case. It can be even from bottom to top and at horizontal levels also. And when nobody is motivating you, the best thing is to motivate yourself.Motivating yourself – the best way is to have dreams. You convert your dreams into the goals and goals into the realities. And when you achieve your dreams, your goals, there cannot be any better motivating factor than that.David Mcnally, an activist and the Cullen Distinguished Professor of History and Business at the University of Houston, says that, “my life has taught me that mistakes don’t matter at all, failures don’t matter. What matters is we continue to move forward and grow from our experiences”.To make mistakes is not a crime but not to make a mistake is definitely a crime. It shows that you have never tried. Mistakes may become source of motivation for you. As they say experience is the best teacher and it is the best source of motivation. It encourages you, motivates you and pushes you forward.So don’t wait for someone to give you “the push”, instead identify your push and change your life.@AnkitIttan
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