Jan, 11, 2021
Will do it tomorrow! Well what if there's no tomorrow. We all have to do list of which most of it is what we love to shift off to tomorrow. Time is precious and limited. It's actually amazing to be able to complete your to do list today! Time management a small topic with immense importance. We all find time to crib and complaint about time not being sufficient. But little do we realize that instead of cribbing and complaining, that time could have been utilized to achieve another task in the - to do list.Speaking of managing time, here are certain things that we can do to manage and work towards accomplishing in our daily routines:1. List down all the tasks that you have to accomplish.2. Prioritise them in:a) Very Urgent and Very Importantb) Very Urgent but Not Importantc) Very Important but Not Urgentd) Not Important and Not Urgent3. Once the tasks are segregated in the mentioned sections, start taking necessary action to accomplish them.4. Tasks in a) and c) are matters that will need your full detailed attention and involvement5. Tasks in b) can be delegated and your involvement can be limited to monitoring the progress and proper follow of process to avoid any mistakes6. Tasks in d) can either be delegated or re-assessed to check if required or not.As the day progresses, you may keep adding to the task list as and when required and thus keep a check on tasks accomplished and pending. The tasks can be personal or work related. This helps to create a check list with prioritizing the to do’s in the list, enabling proper planning and accomplishment of your work (personal or professional)
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